Sweet Dreams Bouquet


The Bouquet is composed of:

  • Peach coloured Roses
  • Lilac Carnations
  • Sea Holly
  • Purple Limonium
  • Lilac Bluebells

This enchanting bouquet embodies the elegance and sweetness of dreams. Each flower is chosen with care to create a composition that captures the essence of the sweetest of dreams. Sweet Dreams Bouquet is intended for romantic occasions, birthdays or simply to bring a touch of sweetness to those who receive it.

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Frida's suggestions

A few suggestions to help your flower bouquet last longer:

  • Shorten the stems of your bouquet by 2 cm every two days
  • Make sure the water in the vase is fresh and clean
  • Do not place the flowers in direct sunlight or air currents

Please note: The images are for demonstration purposes to show the size of the bouquet. The bouquet will be wrapped as seen in the photograph.