Jaipur Bouquet


The Bouquet is composed of:

  • Fuchsia Roses
  • Fuchsia Carnations
  • Pink Carnations
  • Pink Bluebells
  • Pink Limonium

Jaipur Bouquet is a jubilation of elegance and refinement and is inspired by the vibrant colours and rich culture of Jaipur, the “Pink City” of India. The enchanting charm of this bouquet resides in its timeless beauty and aura of oriental mystery. For those who receive it, Jaipur Bouquet is an invitation to delve into the beauty of the present moment and to appreciate the small things in life.

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Frida's suggestions

A few suggestions to help your flower bouquet last longer:

  • Shorten the stems of your bouquet by 2 cm every two days
  • Make sure the water in the vase is fresh and clean
  • Do not place the flowers in direct sunlight or air currents

Please note: The images are for demonstration purposes to show the size of the bouquet. The bouquet will be wrapped as seen in the photograph.