Light Bouquet


The Bouquet is composed of:

  • Peach coloured Roses
  • Light coloured Carnations
  • Cream coloured Gillyflowers
  • White and Yellow miniature Gerbera Daisies
  • Light coloured Branched Roses
  • Mixed Greenery

Frida’s floral designers have fashioned this composition to light up the eyes of those who receive it, creating an unforgettable memory. Light Bouquet is a perfect gift of joy and warmth.

Frida's suggestions

A few suggestions to help your flower bouquet last longer:

  • Shorten the stems of your bouquet by 2 cm every two days
  • Make sure the water in the vase is fresh and clean
  • Do not place the flowers in direct sunlight or air currents

Please note: The images are for demonstration purposes to show the size of the bouquet. The bouquet will be wrapped as seen in the photograph.


We are very fond of our flowers here at Frida’s, however, the GREEN foliage also plays a fundamental role. We enjoy using seasonal materials to introduce you to intriguing, fragrant products that enhance our bouquets and compositions with maximum effect. All our bouquets and sponge-based compositions make use of an assortment carefully chosen greenery to heighten the seasonality and colours of our products.