Madrid Bouquet


The Bouquet is composed of:

  • Sunflowers
  • Orange Roses
  • Blue Throatwort
  • Violet Limonium

Inspired by the warm and vivacious atmosphere of the Spanish capital, Madrid Bouquet is a gift of colour and vitality. At the centre of the bouquet soft and delicate orange roses stand out among the luminous yellow petals of the sunflowers as they follow the movement of the sun. Small blue throatwort flowers add a note of freshness and dynamism to the bouquet. Madrid Bouquet is the perfect gift to celebrate a special occasion or simply to bring a bit of warmth and joy to everyday life.

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Frida's suggestions

A few suggestions to help your flower bouquet last longer:

  • Shorten the stems of your bouquet by 2 cm every two days
  • Make sure the water in the vase is fresh and clean
  • Do not place the flowers in direct sunlight or air currents

Please note: The images are for demonstration purposes to show the size of the bouquet. The bouquet will be wrapped as seen in the photograph.