Athens Bouquet


The Bouquet is composed of:

  • Orange Roses
  • Yellow Nutan flowers
  • Chamomile
  • Dill

Athens Bouquet is a work of floral art that captures the essence of the Greek capital’s culture and beauty. Roses and nutan flowers are the protagonists of this sun-filled bouquet while the chamomile adds a tranquil and harmonious note to the composition. These delicate flowers bring to mind the flowering fields that surround the Acropolis. With its combination of vibrant colours, enchanting scents and elegant flowers, this bouquet is perfect for celebrating a happy moment such as a birthday or anniversary.

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Frida's suggestions

A few suggestions to help your flower bouquet last longer:

  • Shorten the stems of your bouquet by 2 cm every two days
  • Make sure the water in the vase is fresh and clean
  • Do not place the flowers in direct sunlight or air currents

Please note: The images are for demonstration purposes to show the size of the bouquet. The bouquet will be wrapped as seen in the photograph.